It's election season again! If your students are like mine, they have lots of questions regarding the election. Often , I get questions about how do I know what I am? Which candidate? With so much to cover in the curriculum, it's hard to take time out to discuss the 2012 election outside of a government class...but there are ways. September 17th, Constitution Day, is a great time to talk about Article II and the Electoral College. Also, this could be used to talk about the election in that context and how things have changed from the Founding Era.
Students can take a quiz based on questions relating to individual rights, domestic issues, economic issues, and defense issues. It will let you know how the user ranks in agreement with the political parties and political leaders by personal and economic percentages.
The election was just one of many hot topics this weekend at the county Constitution Day workshop. A few colleagues and awesome teachers asked me if I knew of quizzes students could take. But of course! However they were linked school. This is the inspiration for this posting. Below I have linked three online quizzes you can use with your students to see where they fit on the political spectrum by candidate, party, and more. Click on thequiz name/link and enjoy!
I Side With
Students can take an election quiz with questions regarding social, environmental, economic, domestic policy, healthcare, foreign policy, immigration, and science issues. The quiz will let you know how well you match up with the presidential candidates, California voters, and American Voters. Also, it will give you a percentage of how you side with the Democratic, Green, Republican, and Libertarian Parties.
Party Match Quiz
Where do you fit?- PEW Political Quiz
Answer 12 questions that were part of a national survey conducted by the Pew Research Center , and find out where you fit on the partisan political spectrum. You can also compare results to how you compare with others by age, sex, race, religion and candidate.
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